Group Healthcare Plans for Employers

Employer organizations, professional associations, individuals, and families can all benefit from my Nova Healthcare, which focuses on traditional, naturopathic and holistic care. My Nova Healthcare is unique in the industry in that it provides the traditional coverage your employees expect while also empowering members with education and prevention.   The plan’s generous benefits are unmatched when it comes to health and wellness.

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Beyond facilitating insurance claims, My Nova Healthcare will educate your employees on how to adopt healthier lifestyles that are focused not just on physical health but on mental and spiritual well-being. Our overall goal is to inspire productivity for your employees, and ultimately, for your organization or association.

Put Health and Caring Back into Healthcare for Your Employees

Docotor holding a stetloscope up to a computer generated screen that has several diffrent medical button options. One of the many benefits of my nova healthcare is the around the clock physician hotline that is available to its members.

Additionally, My Nova Healthcare provides a free 24-hour physician hotline and video chat service seven days a week to encourage members to use holistic and natural medicine practitioners. Our members save money and time by using the service instead of going to the doctor’s office. Instead, they may consult a board-certified doctor or a professional therapist from the convenience of their own home or office, through secure video or telephone. Licensed physicians are able to diagnose members over the phone, as well as provide medications straight away.

To that end, My Nova Healthcare believes in giving our members complete control over their healthcare by allowing them to choose the physicians and healthcare organizations that best meet their needs. Because of the holistic coverage provided by the plan may include treatment from chiropractors, acupuncturists, and naturopaths, as well as Native American, Chinese, and other recognized healers.

The coverage includes access to our member services team, who serve as your personal health assistant and is just a phone call away, to ensure you get consistent care. The member services team is a hand-picked group of professionals that can answer any questions you have about your healthcare plan and how it works.

Pricing and Enrollment for Groups

My Nova Healthcare offers a streamlined approach for employees all across the country to get healthcare coverage. In essence, every member is registered in a group plan as an individual or family, regardless of where they reside or work. Furthermore, the philosophy is that the pricing stays the same regardless of where you live. For human resources managers, keeping the pricing constant across state borders makes cost monitoring and research easier. If someone leaves your organization or group, they may take their my Nova Healthcare with them automatically. Finally, it’s worth mentioning that we provide 365-day enrollment, which is one of our most valuable features. That’s correct, you may enroll at any time during the year. Why not do it right now?

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Due to the California wildfires, our operations are currently experiencing delays. We appreciate your patience. All inquiries sent to Member Services or Claims will be responded to within 24 hours. Thank you for your understanding.