Missed Open Enrollment?

My Nova Healthcare Has You Covered

What Happens If I Missed Open Enrollment?

Many individuals who missed open enrollment may be forced to go without benefits until the next date of enrollment. Something as common as pneumonia or even a cold can sound more frightening when you don’t have health care coverage. Not knowing when, how, or if you can afford to receive the treatment you need can be stressful. After open enrollment closed on December 15, 2019 many Americans were left uninsured and feeling trapped. Young adults transitioning out of their parent’s plans were also left in limbo.

Short-Term Insurance Plans Are Not The Solution

Many health care facilities are pushing former clients toward short-term health care plans if they miss the open enrollment period. Short-term contracts are valid all year, but they don’t always provide adequate coverage. Healthinsurance.org points out that “short-term plans often do not cover maternity, preventive care or mental health/addiction treatment. In addition, they do not limit out-of-pocket maximums and do not cover pre-existing conditions.” Short-term plans are just that, short-term, and clearly are not a solution for those seeking ongoing, extensive treatment. And, if you are banking on staying healthy, just remember that medical emergencies, surgeries and accidents don’t factor in open enrollment policies. Still, there’s a solution for you if you missed open enrollment. My Nova Healthcare offers 365-day enrollment.

Get Healthcare Coverage After Open Enrollment

Worrying about missing the open enrollment window is a thing of the past with My Nova Healthcare. Our open enrollment policy ensures that you can sign up any day of the year for health care coverage.

With our 365-day open enrollment you will never have to worry about:

  • Missing enrollment
  • Switching plans
  • Losing your prior health coverage
  • Hassle of short-term coverage plans
Holistic, Alternative, and Conventional Health Care Coverage
young couple sitting at a desk  in a doctor's office discussing options with the female doctor who is taking notes on a clipboard.

Through integrating traditional Western-based medicine into our program, in addition to holistic, naturopathic, homeopathic and herbal approaches, My Nova Healthcare leads members toward more comprehensive wellness. My Nova Healthcare also covers the use of vitamins and essential oils, doctor visits, and holistic dental treatment while assisting and promoting our members on their path to reach optimum wellness of mind, body and spirit. And yes, you may use your current provider and still receive the same treatment!

How Do I Sign Up with My Nova Healthcare?

Whether you’ve missed your open enrollment period or are looking for a healthcare coverage plan that better suits your lifestyle, signing up for My Nova Healthcare is a simple and straightforward process.